Frequently Asked Questions

Learning Disabilities (LD) are neurologically based processing problems. These processing problems interfere with basic skills such as reading, writing, spelling and/or math and or executive functional skills.

If your child is struggling with academics and is not at his or her grade level in areas of reading, writing, spelling, comprehension and math, an assessment can determine if your child has a learning difficulty.

BLISS is an integrated movement therapy that incorporates movements from various disciplines. These structured movement exercises have shown positive and successful results in areas such as focus and attention, cognition, memory and motor skills.

BLISS incorporates scientifically proven techniques and strategies drawn from various disciplines which includes occupational therapy, Ball-A-Viz-x, yoga and many more.

BLISS is a holistic approach to cognitive skills development. A personalized program catering to a child’s needs building progressively as they advance. One on one therapy. Goal oriented. A Scientific approach. Areas of improvement: focus and attention, balance and coordination, self-regulation and improved behavior, reduced impulsivity, better cognition, improved motor skills and memory which translates to improved academic skills.

Consultation with our founder, informal assessment at our center, review, recommendation and enrolment.

He/she develops and learns at his/her own pace. Duration of therapy/remediation depends on how your child is responding to intervention and achieving goals.

No. children can be taught strategies that can be applied throughout their lifetime. A multisensory structured method helps adults as well as children. Early intervention is the key but intervention at any time can be effective.

Dyslexia is not a disease. It is a lifelong condition. Therefore, there is no cure for dyslexia. The child will learn to read and write with the help of proper intervention.

With a systematic remedial approach, your child will learn to read. Most dyslexics do in addition to a good intervention program, your child's strengths, talents, and interests need to be fostered. Focus on their strengths.